Entrepreneur 2012 Franchise 500®
Curious about franchise opportunities? If so, then you must review Entrepreneurs annual ranking of American franchises. They've created many lists including:
Arrangement where one party grants another party the right to use its trademark and certain business systems. The franchisee usually pays a fee plus a percentage of sales revenue, and gains (1) name recognition; (2) tried and tested products; (3) standard design and décor; (4) techniques in running and promoting the business (5) employee training; and (6) help in promoting and upgrading products.
Curious about franchise opportunities? If so, then you must review Entrepreneurs annual ranking of American franchises. They've created many lists including:
Like the idea of self-employment but loath the thought of going it alone? Starting (or buying) a franchised business is a popular approach to self-employment, allowing owners to take advantage of a proven business model - for a fee.