Getting to Know Your Industry
The purpose of these video tutorial modules is to help you become familiar with market research basics and to guide you to find credible resources to inform your industry analysis.
How to Use These Modules
There are five modules in this tutorial. Each module should take approximately 20 minutes to explore. You may either review the content of each module sequentially, or you may use the outline below to select the module(s) of interest to you.
Each module includes an animated explainer video, learning outcome checklists, quiz questions, handouts to provide enriched learning opportunities, and a worksheet to help you get started with your own research.

Module One: Introduction to Market Research
Market research is integral to successful venture design, business planning, and marketing strategy, but is seen by many as a challenging process. This module provides insight into the market research landscape in the business context, including two types of market research, and common sources of secondary market research. Go to Module One now.

Module Two: Secondary Market Research for Industry Analysis
Understanding an industry is a critical factor for being successful within it, but the importance of an industry analysis can be often overlooked. This module covers the value of industry research, common research questions, and introduces top sources to gather specific type of industry information. Go to Module Two now.

Module Three: Planning Your Industry Research
Researching an industry that is new to you requires extensive effort, so make sure you have a clearly defined plan and manageable goals before you started. This module breaks research planning into several critical steps: identifying your industry, formulating your research question, and developing your search strategy. Go to Module Three now.

Module Four: Conducting Your Industry Research
Databases are very useful when you dive deeper with your research, but it takes time and efforts to master the art of searching. This module demonstrates how to integrate a variety of tools and apply different database search techniques to locate reliable information with regards to both well-established and emerging industries. Go to Module Four now.

Module Five: Using Information Responsibility
Evaluating information is as important as gathering information and appropriate citation adds credibility to your industry analysis. This module includes a practical guide to evaluate sources and helps learners to leverage reliable information for their industry analysis and decision-making. Go to Module Five now.