The following article provides a general overview of business ethics and links relevant resources, including open access books and articles. It also provides information on how to develop a code of ethics.
You may be wondering what business ethics is. According to the Institute of Business Ethics,
“Business ethics is the application of ethical values to business behavior. Business ethics is relevant both to the conduct of individuals and to the conduct of the organization as a whole. It applies to any and all aspects of business conduct, from boardroom strategies and how companies treat their employees and suppliers to sales techniques and accounting practices.”
The Business Ethics in a Box website, created by faculty from Georgetown University’s School of Business, provides an excellent introduction. Check out their slides and lecture notes, starting with “A Crash Course in Business Ethics.”
Alternatively, if you’re interested in ethical leadership specifically, Ethics Unwrapped from the McCombs School of Business provides an excellent 2-part video series. The Ethics Unwrapped website also includes a library of 51 ethics terms and concepts animated in short, shareable video clips.
Library Resources
Search the catalog with keywords to find resources. In addition to “business ethics,” you may also want to search “social responsibility of business" and/or "sustainable development."
The following books, if not available free online or through your public library, are in academic library collections. If you are not a member of an academic library, you may choose to become a community borrower. People unaffiliated with an academic institution pay to become community borrowers so that they can bring books home. However, many libraries allow community members to read books in the library for free. For more information, see the policy pages linked below.
- University of British Columbia (UBC)
- British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT)
- Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU)
- University of Victoria (UVic)
- University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC)
Business Ethics
Stephen M. Byars and Kurt Stanberry, 2018
Indigenous Perspectives on Business Ethics and Business Law in British Columbia
Annette Sorensen and Scott van Dyk, 2022
Location: BCcampus (open textbook) |
Net positive: How courageous companies thrive by giving more than they take
Paul Polman and Andrew Winston, 2021
Location: UBC, BCIT, KPU, UVic |
Business Ethics: A Stakeholder and Issues Management Approach
Joseph Weiss, 2022
Location: Vancouver Public Library |
Radical Human Centricity: Fulfilling the Promises of Innovation Research
Paul Hartley, 2022
Location: UBC, KPU, UNBC |
The Greater Good: Social Entrepreneurship for Everyday People Who Want to Change the World
Madeleine Shaw, 2021
Location: Vancouver Public Library |
If you have access to an academic library, the following journals will prove useful:
- Corporate Governance - An International Review
- Journal of Business Ethics
- Business Ethics Quarterly
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management
- Industrial and Corporate Change
Free Articles:
- Markkula Center for Applied Ethics
- Business Ethics: The Magazine of Corporate Responsibility
- Business Ethics Quarterly (“open access articles” tab)
Business Ethics Case Studies
Business cases summarize fictitious or real life events faced by management, companies, and industries (Business Case Studies Library Guide). When learning how to conduct business ethically, you might turn to case studies as opportunities to practice.
Open Case Studies
- Markkula Center for Applied Ethics
- McCombs School of Business
- MIT Management (“Leadership and Ethics” category)
- University of New Mexico
- Toronto Metropolitan University
- Stanford (Narrow results to “available to download at no charge”)
- World Business Council for Sustainable Development
- Business Ethics in a Box (scroll down to “Daily Class Activities”)
Case Studies via Library Databases
For information on library databases available through UBC, see the subject guide on Business Case Studies. Remote access to most library eResources is unfortunately restricted by licensing agreements to current students, staff and Faculty. However, people unaffiliated with UBC can access most library eResources using library branch computers, free of charge.
Code of Conduct and Ethics
What is a code of ethics?
“A business code of ethics (BCE) is a distinct and formal document containing a set of prescriptions on a range of issues, which has been developed by and for a company for the purpose of guiding its employees’ behavior toward each other, the company, external stakeholders, and/or society in general” (Kaptein, 2019).
What is the difference between a code of conduct and a code of ethics?
From the Institute of Business Ethics:
“A code of ethics sets out the standards which an organization expects in line with its core ethical values. It could be called "The Way We Work Around Here”, or "The [Company] Way”, but it will set out the organization's obligations and responsibilities to its staff and other stakeholders. A code of conduct usually has a different purpose and is different in tone. It sets out the obligations of staff to the organizations, and details rules and regulations. Language is typically more formal and legalistic and the layout of the document is more rigidly structured, typically with numbered clauses.”
Writing a code of ethics
- The Institute of Business Ethics’ guide
- Examples
- Codes of ethics will differ according to your industry and services. For some industries, codes of ethics may be more common than in other industries.
- Tip: if you are a member of a professional association, scan their website to see if they provide any information on a code of ethics.
- Engineers Canada
- Society of Professional Journalists
- National Association of Social Workers
- Canadian Psychological Association
- Heckfield Home Farm
Kaptein, M. (2019). Business Code of Ethics. In D. C. Poff and A. C. Michalos (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-23514-1_64-1