Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash
Key Takeaways
COVID-19 event restrictions may have been temporary, but their impact continues to influence the wedding industry. Many couples chose to postpone or cancel their weddings in 2020 due to travel advisories or limits on venue capacity, resulting in 2020 marking the lowest annual number of marriages recorded since 1938 (Statistics Canada, 2022). This pause, however, has given way to a post-pandemic surge for the industry (CBC News, 2023).
Full-service wedding planning may not fit in the budget. Wedding planners may want to revisit the prices of the packages they offer and consider offering services tailored to small-scale (or “micro”) weddings to entice couples with smaller budgets (“The rise of the microwedding,” 2022).
Wedding planners need to keep their marketing skills sharp. From search engine optimization to social media portfolios to paid advertisements, a report from IBISWorld suggests that “industry operators that have managed to stay afloat during the current five-year period have generally done so by investing a great deal of resources into marketing and technology” (Dalal, 2023).
Industry Performance Snapshot
The past few years have been turbulent for the industry, largely due to the lasting impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Industry Outlook
Destination weddings may be on the rise. According to a forecast by Future Market Insights, the global destination wedding market is set to see a sharp rise in revenue over the next ten years.
The demand for wedding planners is closely related to couples’ disposable income. According to an American report from IBISWorld, the industry remains “on thin ice” due to its high volatility and low revenue growth (Dalal, 2023).
Inflation is forcing couples to re-evaluate their wedding wishes. With the cost of living rising in tandem with the costs for wedding-related expenses, many couples are scaling back on their ceremony and reception–and the costs associated with a wedding planner (Piché, 2023; Dalal, 2023; CNW Group, 2023).
Industry Trends and Challenges
Weddings are shrinking and taking longer to plan. Whether it’s the cost of the wedding or the size of the gathering (or both!), couples are turning to “microweddings” to protect their budgets. They’re also turning to DIY trends, like homemade decor, to keep costs down (CBC News, 2023).
To cut costs, some couples are turning their weddings into DIY celebrations. With search engines and dedicated wedding planning apps only a few clicks away, the DIY route is turning favour among couples with smaller budgets. Global industry market research firm IBISWorld reports that over the next five years they expect “that the Wedding Planners industry will continue to suffer from decreases in demand” (Dalal, 2023).
A recent report from Intuit Quickbooks suggests that many couples want to leverage their wedding as an opportunity to support small businesses, which respondents felt would provide “better and more personalized” services. This may signal an area of opportunity for wedding planners (Pastore, 2022).
Social media marketing can be a powerful tool for wedding industry professionals. Sites like Pinterest (where couples can save wedding inspiration) can offer a low-barrier space for planners “to advertise their services and develop brand recognition” (Dalal, 2023). TikTok, too, is becoming an important space to connect with potential clients. As of June 2022, #WeddingTok had generated “more than 2.4 billion views on the platform and focuses on all things wedding, bridal and even guests” (Wheless, 2022).
It’s a nice day for a… green wedding? As with many industries, thinking about the environmental impact of the wedding industry is gaining traction among wedding planners. “Eco-conscious wedding planning” encompasses a range of practices, from waste reduction to looking for “locally sourced, organic and eco-friendly materials for decor, invitations and catering” (Dalal, 2023).
CBC News. (2023, January 14). The wedding business is booming. CBC News Toronto. Retrieved from https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/canadas-bridal-show-wedding-1.6712013
CNW Group. (2023, June 6). I do-flation: Cost of weddings ranked as top concern among majority of Canadians according to new Tip Top study. Yahoo!News. Retrieved from https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/flation-cost-weddings-ranked-top-120000271.html
Dalal, M. (2023, September). Wedding Planners in the US: Industry Report US OD4412. IBISWorld. Retrieved from IBISWorld database.
Future Market Insights. (July 31, 2023). Size of the destination wedding market worldwide in 2022, with a forecast for 2023 and 2033 (in million U.S. dollars) [Graph]. In Statista. Retrieved from https://www.statista.com/statistics/1333948/market-size-destination-wedding-worldwide/
Pastore, A. (2022, October 24). Wedding Economy Provides Strong Growth Opportunities for Small Businesses. WWD: Women’s Wear Daily, 18. Retrieved from https://wwd.com/business-news/business-features/wedding-economy-strong-growth-small-businesses-1235394397/
Piché, G. (2023, July 8). Big costs for the big day. Winnipeg Free Press. Retrieved from https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/business/2023/07/08/big-costs-for-the-big-day
Statistics Canada. (2022, November 14). “I don’t”: Historic decline in new marriages during the first year of the pandemic. Statistics Canada. Retrieved from https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/221114/dq221114b-eng.htm
“The rise of the microwedding.” (2022, Feb 02). Ponoka News. Retrieved from https://www.proquest.com/newspapers/rise-microwedding/docview/2625454674/se-2
Wheless, E. (2022). How TikTok is reinventing the bridal business: #WeddingTok has more than 2.4 billion views. Ad Age, 93(11), 6. Retrieved from https://adage.com/article/digital-marketing-ad-tech-news/how-tiktok-reinventing-bridal-business/2421956