As part of the exhibition “50 Years of Sole: A History of Fluevog: Honouring a Vancouver Icon,” presented by The David Lam Management Research Library and Canaccord Learning Commons, Rare Books and Special Collections, and the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre at UBC Library, we are delighted to share profiles of Fluevogers at UBC.
Linda Tommasini is currently the Director of Resources and Operations at UBC’s Sauder School of Business where she has been working for almost 20 years.
When did you get your first pair of Fluevogs? What were they?
I got them in 1974! They were off white dress shoes with a strap around the ankle and pointed toes. I loved those shoes. They fit like a glove and felt so soft - like I was wearing a slipper! The quality is unbelievable.
What do Fluevogs mean to you?
Three words that come to mind are identifiable, unique, and Vancouver! I can recognize a Fluevog shoe when I see one.
Any interesting stories behind your Fluevogs?
Not really; however, I do have a friend who constantly buys Fluevog shoes and I must say I am very envious. A cool thing I just found out is that when she no longer wants her Fluevogs and wants to buy another pair, there is a used Fluevog site she can sell them on. I love the idea - I think it is terrific and very sustainable. Kudos to them!
How do you feel when you wear your Fluevogs?
I feel like I am in heaven. They are just so comfortable and they make you feel like you do not have anything on your feet.
Can you tell us how many pairs you own?
I used to own several a long time ago but not anymore because my priorities as to where I spend my money has changed. Otherwise, I would be buying them!
What is your favourite Fluevog? Why?
The ones I initially bought (too many years ago) takes me back to that special event in my life. I worked very hard for those shoes and at the time, I was very young and it was a luxury for me to buy them. They were the BEST shoes I have ever owned!