Industry News

Updated: May 20, 2021

In this section we have gathered some of the most popular information sources, such as trade journals, magazines, blogs, and association websites. Industry information is always changing. For the latest news, current issues and popular opinions, try following one or more of these sources. In addition, interacting with the websites that provide this information through commenting and asking questions may also provide you with more information.


Trade associations often publish free industry newsletters that are excellent sources of information for your business plan. Such newsletters often have articles that cover in-depth topics on business management, manufacturing practices, how-tos, and current industry news.

BC Family Child Care Association (BCFCCA)  | The BCFCCA provides a professional voice and advocate for family child care providers, and promotes public awareness of family child care. Check out the Child Care Provider Resources section.

Canadian Child Care Federation (CCCF)  | The CCCF is committed to providing Canadians with the very best in early learning and child care knowledge and best practices. Make sure to visit the Publications and Resource Library pages for valuable child care industry information.

Child Care Now | Child Care Now is dedicated to advocating for a publicly funded, inclusive, quality, non-profit child care system. This organization is non-profit, membership-based, and regionally representative. Check out their post: What is High-Quality Early Learning and Child Care and how is it Achieved?

Coalition of Child Care Advocates of BC (CCCABC)  | The CCCABC is a voluntary organization of interested citizens – parents, child care providers, community organizations, and unions. Check out the CCCABC Materials and Advocacy Resources sections.

Early Childhood Community Development Centre (ECCDC)  | The ECCDC is a charitable organization inspiring excellence in early learning and child care through thought leadership, cutting edge training, innovative resources and coaching services highlighting best practices and emerging trends.

Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre | The Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre provides information, referrals, training and resources to families, individuals and organizations who are seeking the best care and early learning for children. Check out their Workshops & Training, Library, and News & Articles.

TIP: Use ASAE Gateway to Associations Directory to search for an association by name, interest area, or international geographic location (including Canada and BC). You can also search using a combination of various fields.

Magazines & Trade Journals

Trade journals (often called magazines or trade publications) can be very useful in helping you find current articles relating to business research. Contact your local research library to determine which trade journal subscriptions they have. There are also free trade publications that you can access online. 

Childcare Today

Each issue features profiles of child care owners and managers, along with analysis of current issues surrounding the child care industry. Published by the Association of Day Care Operators of Ontario.

Practical Pre-School Magazine

Provides information, special features, and practical activity ideas for home-based child care providers and professional child caregivers. Published monthly.

Early Childhood Today

An online magazine covering topics such as activities, behavioural development, curriculum ideas, and leadership. Published by Scholastic, Inc.

Young Children

A peer-reviewed journal that focuses on issues related to early childhood education. Published bimonthly by the National Association for the Education of Young Children.

TIP: Try searching Ulrichs Periodical Directory to develop a list of important trade publications in your industry.

Consultant & Other Websites

MarketWatch - Industry Analyzer | The Industries section contains current data on Dow Jones Industry Sectors. Aggregate data as well as company-specific data is available.

PriceWaterhouse Coopers Canada (PwC) | Global consultancy firm that produces reports on the state of various industries.

Firsthand | A free source of industry information. Use the Industry Profiles to research growing industries and best industries by major, and Company Rankings and Profiles to find news, company information, and industry-specific sample professions. Basic monthly membership is free and offers access to blogs, discussion forums, and job listings.

TIP: As with all sources, news articles and blogs should be carefully evaluated. For information on how to evaluate your information, watch video tutorial Module Five: Using Information Responsibly.