Help Wanted: How to attract (and keep) quality staff

Last Updated: June 14, 2017

So, you have established your business and it's a roaring success. The only problem is you’re so busy you can’t take a day off to relax! It’s time to hire some help. Although it is exciting, the hiring process can also be daunting, especially if you have never done it before. That's why the SBA has collected some great resources to make the process easier. To find our complete list visit the Management and Human Resources page.  

Hiring Staff HR Resources connects job seekers to companies throughout British Columbia. In their section for employers, business owners will find useful tips on the latest employee recruitment and retainment strategies.

Inc. Business Owner’s Hiring Tool kit

Although this is an American publication, much of information in Inc.’s tool kit will be useful to B.C. entrepreneurs. The tool kit covers everything from creating interview questions to guidelines on how to write a job description.

Aimed at small businesses and internet start-ups, SmartBiz has excellent resource sections on both human resources and management.

Employer's Corner - Ministry of Labour, Citizens' Services and Open Government

It's important to know your responsibilities as an employer. This B.C. guide helps business owner's understand what obligations they have to their employees (and vice versa.) There's also lots of information around paying wages, complaint processes, and record-keeping obligations. You may also want to take a look at the Employment Standards Act


Keeping Staff

Related to hiring is retaining employees. As a business owner you will have to consider what you have to offer that will keep employees happy and committed to your company. Here are a couple of strategies to get you started. 

Pay attention to what your employees value

Everyone is motivated by different things. The Wall Street Journal's guide Employee Retention - How to Retain Employees encourages business owners to find out what their employees value by conducting “stay” interviews to assess what keeps employees around. 

Offer creative perks & incentives

Most small businesses are operating on a limited budget, which means you may not be able to offer the most competitive salary. Try to think of other perks that you can offer. A survey commissioned by Robert Half International and reported on revealed that one in three chief financial officers found prospective employees were more attracted to flexible hours and telecommuting options than financial benefits.   

Leverage the fact that you are a small business

With Hiring on a Budget Play to Your Strengths, a Scotiabank Get Growing for Business blog post, Roger Pierce advises small business owners to see the benefits of being small. In a bigger company it is much harder to get your voice heard. Offering employees opportunities to participate in shaping the company encourages employees take ownership in the work they do and become more invested in company success. 

Consider your company culture

The Randstad Workmonitor survey found that work culture and environment are key factors when Canadians choose employers. According to Jan Hein Bax, president of Randstad Canada, “Canadians find great comfort in their relationships with colleagues and managers. Even by taking part in corporate social and charitable activities, employees gain a sense of pride” (Canadians Among Most Satisfied Employees in the World). Ask yourself how you are incorporating your company’s values into all aspects of employee recruitment and professional development. As your business grows you may even consider adding culture management into a job description as Jennifer King describes in Company Culture, From the Top: The Emergence of the “Culture Chief.




Canadians among the most satisfied employees in the world. (2012, April). Canada Newswire.

King, J. (2012, June). Company culture, from the top: The emergence of the “Culture Chief. Software Advice

Pierce, R. (2012, May). Hiring on a budget? Play up your strengths. Get Growing for Business Scotiabank.

Small business employee benefits.(No date)

Spiro, J. (2010, April). How to improve employee retention.