Holiday season is here. And that means one thing: holiday markets!
Holiday markets and craft fairs provide opportunities for entrepreneurs to showcase their products. They are also a way for communities to get involved in supporting their local businesses. We have put together a list of holiday markets taking place across the province in December. Of course, this is by no means an all exhaustive list but will give you a taste of the exciting opportunities around. By this time, vendor booking periods for these fairs have usually closed. However, we hope this will be a helpful reference list for small businesses looking to spread a little cheer next holiday season.
Vancouver & Lower Mainland
1) Vancouver Christmas Market
- When? Nov. 26-Dec. 31
- Where?Vancouver
- More information at: http://vancouverchristmasmarket.com/about/
2) Got Craft? Holiday Edition
- When? Dec. 10 and 11
- Where? North Vancouver
- More information at: http://gotcraft.com/
There is waitlist application for Got Craft? Holiday Edition and they also have a Spring Fair to which vendors can apply to.
3) Make it!
- When? Dec. 8-11
- Where? Vancouver
- More information at: http://makeitshow.ca/vancouver/
For vendors Holiday 2016 show is closed and spring show is waitlisted.
4) Coquitlam Christmas Craft Fair
- When? Dec. 2-4th
- Where? Coquitlam
- More information at: http://coquitlamcrafts.com/home.html
Vendors can get information for future events here.
Vancouver Island
5) Christmas Fair Cobble Hill Village
- When? Dec. 10
- Where? Cowichan Valley
- More information at: http://www.harbourliving.ca/event/a-christmas-fair-cobble-hill-village/
6) 5th Annual First Nations Artisans Faire
- When? Dec. 3-4
- Where? Qualicum
- More information at: http://www.harbourliving.ca/event/5th-annual-first-nations-artisans-fai…
7) Jonanco Christmas Craft Fair
- When? Dec. 3-4
- Where? Nanaimo
- More information at: http://www.harbourliving.ca/event/jonanco-christmas-craft-sale/
8) Little Gems 2016: Holiday and Art Craft Fair
- When? Nov. 10- Dec. 18
- Where? Victoria
- More information at: http://www.tourismvictoria.com/includes/events/Little-Gems-2016-Holiday…
Central Interior
9) Winterfest Christmas Market
- When? Dec. 21
- Where? Prince George
- More information at: https://www.facebook.com/events/709628599061719/
There were 5 vendor tables left at the time we published this blog post.
10) Craft Culture Holiday Market
- When? Dec. 10-11
- Where? Kelowna
- More information at: http://winter.craftculture.ca/
Is there a market or craft fair you are attending this holiday season in BC? Let us know in the comments below or tweet us with details!