Market Share & Size
Both market size and market share held by competitors are key factors when assessing the competitive environment. Keep in mind that there is no single source of market size and market share data. Market information is usually pieced together from various sources and is not often readily available for niche or emerging industries. One strategy is to combine a competitor's name or a comparable, established industry with the term market share in article databases or read market research reports. You will need to identify and describe your market – who your customers are and what the demand is for your products and services.
UBC Library Business Databases
How to access: If you are a UBC student, staff, faculty or in-person library visitor you may have access to business databases through the David Lam Management Research Library and Canaccord Learning Commons through the links below.
Full Listing By Title or Full Listing By Subject
There are two different ways to identify databases: Use "by title" if you already know the name; otherwise you can search the list "by subject" to find starting places for undertaking market research, finding articles or researching companies. To learn more about how you can access library resources if you are a community user or temporary visitor, check out the UBC Library Community Users & Visitors Guide. Community users and temporary visitors may have additional access restrictions to specific databases because of license agreements.
Library Resources
Access to the following sources may be available through your local public or academic library. For information on how to obtain a library card, and for additional information on using libraries in BC, please visit our Getting Access to Library Resources page.
ABI/INFORM Collection
How to access: If you are a UBC student, staff, faculty or in-person library visitor you can access this resource.
Created by ProQuest this database contains full-text articles from over 1,000 business magazines and journals that track business conditions, trends, management techniques, corporate strategies, and industry-specific topics.
- Global medicated skin care products market to reach US$7.7 billion by the year 2026: Abstract: Global medicated skin care products market to reach US$7. 7 billion by the year 2026 . medicated skin care products contain active ingredients that treat common skin ailments. (2022, Jan 19). NASDAQ OMX's News Release Distribution Channel Retrieved from
- What to expect in a 2020: Treatments, ingredients and makeup. (2020). Global Cosmetic Industry, 188(4), 18. Retrieved from
- Anti-fatigue cosmetics market size worth $18.9 million by 2025: Grand view research, inc. (2020, Jan 30). PR Newswire Europe Including UK Disclose Retrieved from…
- Personal care products; consumer products; cosmetics and makeup; fragrances and perfumes; and hair care products manufacturing industry (U.S.) analytics, extensive financial benchmarks, metrics and revenue forecasts to 2027, NAIC 325620 published may 26, 2021. (2021). (). Houston: Plunkett Research, Ltd. Retrieved from ABI/INFORM Collection Retrieved from
- Cosmetics, beauty products and beauty supply stores industry (U.S.) analytics, extensive financial benchmarks, metrics and revenue forecasts to 2027, NAIC 446120 published May 26, 2021. (2021). (). Houston: Plunkett Research, Ltd. Retrieved from ABI/INFORM Collection Retrieved from
- Cosmetics; soaps, detergents & cleansers; and personal care and consumer products, perfumes & colognes manufacturing industry (U.S.) analytics, extensive financial benchmarks, metrics and revenue forecasts to 2027, NAIC 325600 published april 07, 2021. (2021). (). Houston: Plunkett Research, Ltd. Retrieved from ABI/INFORM Collection
BCC Research Centre
How to access: If you are a UBC student, staff, faculty or in-person library visitor you can access this resource. Otherwise, contact your local library to see if they provide access.
Publishes 250 reports annually that are complete with market intelligence, five-year forecasts, statistical and analytical data, key players, market share, industry structure and dynamics, and technological shifts and trends.
- BCC Research Staff. (2022). Global Markets for Chemicals for Cosmetics & Toiletries. [Report Code CHM018J]. BCC Research Centre. Retrieved from BCC Research Centre database.
- TBRC. (2021). Cosmetics And Personal Care Stores Global Market Competitor Briefing 2021. [Report Code MKB418D]. BCC Research Centre. Retrieved from BCC Research Centre database.
Business Source Ultimate
How to access: If you are a UBC student, staff, faculty or in-person library visitor you can access this resource. Otherwise, contact your local library to see if they provide access.
Includes financial data, books, videos, company profiles, SWOT analyses, industry profiles, country reports, market research reports and case studies. Also includes information on industry trends, forecasts, outlooks, competitors, how to run a specific business and much more.
- MarketLine Industry Profile: Make-Up in North America. (2020). Make-Up Industry Profile: North America, 1–40.
- MarketLine Industry Profile: Global Skincare. (2019). Skincare Industry Profile: Global, N.PAG.
IBISWorld Industry Reports
How to access: If you are a UBC student, staff, faculty or in-person library visitor you can access this resource.
IBISWorld research is an independent, professional publisher of high-quality market research reports. These reports analyze the underlying structure and external forces that drive an industry.
- McGrath, S. (2021). Canada Industry (NAICS) Report 32562CA / Manufacturing in Canada Cosmetic & Beauty Product Manufacturing in Canada. IBISWorld. Retrieved from IBISWorld database.
- Eva Koronios, E. (2020). Canada Industry (NAICS) Report 44612CA / Retail Trade in Canada Beauty, Cosmetics & Fragrance Stores in Canada. IBISWorld. Retrieved from IBISWorld database.
- DeCarlo, J. (2021). Canada Industry (NAICS) Report 44619CA / Retail Trade in Canada Health Stores in Canada. IBISWorld. Retrieved from IBISWorld database.
How to access: If you are a UBC student, staff, faculty or in-person library visitor you can access this resource.
A simple to use statistics portal that integrates statistics from thousands of sources, on topics related to business, media, public policy, health and others. Statistics can be exported in PPT, XLS, PDF, and PNG formats. Some basic content available for free.
- Statista. (2022). Cosmetics in Canada. Retrieved from Statista database.
- Statista. (2021). Beauty & Personal Care - United States. Retrieved from Statista database.
- Statista Consumer Market Outlook. (2021). Cosmetics Report 2021. Retrieved from Statista database.
WARC: World Advertising Research Center
How to access: If you are a UBC student, staff, faculty or in-person library visitor you can access this resource.
WARC has case studies from major companies and advertising agencies, as well as articles from leading advertising journals and unpublished papers. It also includes company profiles, advertising spending statistics, and demographic and economic data.
- Euromonitor Strategy Briefings. (2022). Competitor strategies in beauty and personal care. WARC. Retrieved from the WARC database.
- Euromonitor Strategy Briefings. (2021). Where consumers shop for beauty and personal care. WARC. Retrieved from the WARC database.
- Euromonitor Strategy Briefings. (2021). Super Premium Beauty and Personal Care in the US. WARC. Retrieved from the WARC database.