Your Target Market

Updated: April 21, 2022

Your Target Market

Library Resources

Access to the following sources may be available through your local public or academic library. For information on how to obtain a library card, and for additional information on using libraries in BC, please visit our Getting Access to Library Resources page. Focus

How to access: Check your local public or academic library to see about access. If you are a UBC student, staff, faculty or in-person library visitor you can access this resource.

While you can search this website only some Canadian libraries provide full-text access to the market research reports on industries and demographics for North American industries. They can range from 50 to 400+ pages in length, and contain charts, tables, and graphs, and key facts. has varied industry coverage and includes US and international information.

  • Freedonia Focus Reports (2016). Cosmetic & Toiletry Containers: United States. Academic. Retrieved from database.
  • Freedonia Focus Reports (2016). Natural Flavors & Fragrances: United States. Academic. Retrieved from database.


How to access: If you are a UBC student, staff, faculty or in-person library visitor you can access this resource. Or, contact your local public or academic library for their access details.

Global market research and trend analysis database that focuses on Internet, e-business, online marketing, media, and emerging technologies.

  • Davidkhanian, S,, Blake Droesch, and Andrew Lipsman. (2021). Trends to Watch in 2022: Consumer Expectations Push Retailers to Accelerate Their Pace of Innovation. Insider Intelligence, eMarketer. Retrieved from eMarketer database.
  • Lebow, S. (2021). The top 5 retail categories for smart speaker shopping. Insider Intelligence, eMarketer. Retrieved from eMarketer database.

Passport GMID (formerly Global Market Information Database)

How to access: Check your local public or academic library to see about access. If you are a UBC student, staff or faculty member you can access this resource. Please note this is not available for walk-in library users.

Passport GMID, produced by Euromonitor, is an integrated information system providing business intelligence on country economies and demographics, consumers, lifestyles, companies and industries. 

  • Passport (2021). Colour Cosmetics in Canada. Passport. Retrieved from Passport database.

WARC: World Advertising Research Center

How to access: If you are a UBC student, staff, faculty or in-person library visitor you can access this resource.

WARC has case studies from major companies and advertising agencies, as well as articles from leading advertising journals and unpublished papers. It also includes company profiles, advertising spending statistics, and demographic and economic data.

  • Euromonitor Strategy Briefings. (2021). World market for beauty and personal care. WARC. Retrieved from WARC database.
  • WARC Data Points (Dynamic). (2021). Global, Toiletries & Cosmetics advertising spend by medium (annual). WARC. Retrieved from WARC database.
  • Euromonitor Company Profiles. (2020). Competitor strategies in beauty and personal care. WARC. Retrieved from WARC database.

Public Opinion Polls


Links to Canadian, U.S. and international polls. Includes polls on consumer goods.

  • Ipsos. (2021). Brand Hacks: Tips for building brands by fulfilling our quest for meaning. Ipsos. Retrieved from Ipsos database.
  • Ipsos. (2020). Canadian Shoppers More Thoughtful of Their Spending and Taking More Time to Research Online. Ipsos. Retrieved from Ipsos database.

Primary Research

The main point of this guide is to introduce you to a wide range of secondary market research resources but keep in mind there is great value in analyzing other information including:

  • Advertising, blogs and sales brochures
  • Your personal network and employees
  • Direct observation, focus groups and interviews with potential customers

The Daily - Statistics Canada

The premier source for Canadian statistical information, including census information. Search 'The Daily' releases by subject to identify corresponding census tables, latest news, and publications. Similarly, you can browse by data source, including surveys & questionnaires relevant to your market research, which also link to census tables, latest news and publications.

Statistics Canada Data | Formerly known as CANSIM, Statistics Canada's key socioeconomic database is updated daily. It is free to search the data tables.