Government Websites

Updated: June 3, 2022

Government Websites

In this section we have gathered some of the most reliable freely available online government and employment websites for you to use in your research.

Canadian Websites

BC Stats Current reports and statistics from British Columbia's central statistical agency including labour market information, economic statistics and bankruptcies. Start by searching their economic statistics section and narrowing by industry type or go to the Business, Industry & Trade page to skim all the different business-related topics.


Government of Canada - Business and Industry | The Government of Canada's comprehensive page for business and industry guides you through important information on starting a business. You will find necessary permits and information on tax and regulation, as well as advice on how to protect your intellectual property through copyright or trademark, a primer for selling to the federal government, information on importing and exporting goods, and advice on managing and protecting your business operations. 


Statistics Canada Data | Formerly known as CANSIM, Statistics Canada's key socioeconomic database is updated daily. It is free to search the data tables.


Canadian Industry Statistics (CIS) - Industry Canada | CIS analyses industry data on many economic indicators using the most recent data from Statistics Canada. CIS looks at industry trends and financial information, such as GDP, Labour Productivity, Manufacturing and Trade data.


Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada

Provides market research, industry statistics, licensing information for intellectual property, and information about doing business internationally. The Industry Canada site features interactive applications such as customizable trade reports, cost calculators, and online business planning guides. You can also search broad Canadian industry statistics.


The Daily - Statistics Canada

The premier source for Canadian statistical information, including census information. Search 'The Daily' releases by subject to identify corresponding census tables, latest news, and publications. Similarly, you can browse by data source, including surveys & questionnaires relevant to your market research, which also link to census tables, latest news and publications.


WorkBC | Find current employment outlooks, labour market information, relevant links, and a geographic representation of the BC workforce. Start by searching your Industry Profile.


Trade Commissioner Service | Trade Commissioner Service helps Canadian businesses grow with confidence by connecting them with funding and support programs, international opportunities, and a network of trade commissioners in over 160 cities worldwide.


Canada’s State of Trade 2020 | Canada’s State of Trade 2020 report gives Canadians a snapshot of the country’s economic activities in 2019 while recognizing the global uncertainty of 2020 amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

US & International Websites

Small Business Administration: Free Small Business Data

This site is created and managed by the US Small Business Administration (SBA) and provides a list of free sources of information that you can use to obtain data about markets in the US.


United States Government - Importing and Exporting | Find information about importing, exporting, licensing and permits in the US.


United States Census Bureau |  The United States Census Bureau’s page on Foreign Trade is the official source for U.S. export and import statistics and responsible for issuing regulations governing the reporting of all export shipments from the United States.


Office of the United States Trade Representative | Find US information on trade topics and trade agreements.