Key Websites

Updated: June 5, 2020

In this section we have gathered some of the most reliable freely available online government and employment websites for you to use in your research.

Canadian Websites

WorkBC | Find current employment outlooks, labour market information, relevant links, and a geographic representation of the BC workforce. Start by searching your Industry Profile.

Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada

Provides market research, industry statistics, licensing information for intellectual property, and information about doing business internationally. The Industry Canada site features interactive applications such as customizable trade reports, cost calculators, and online business planning guides. You can also search broad Canadian industry statistics.

The Daily - Statistics Canada

The premier source for Canadian statistical information, including census information. Search 'The Daily' releases by subject to identify corresponding census tables, latest news, and publications. Similarly, you can browse by data source, including surveys & questionnaires relevant to your market research, which also link to census tables, latest news and publications.

PriceWaterhouse Coopers Canada (PwC)

This resource provides industry specific information and includes additional information on local contacts and relevant publications. 


US & International Websites

Small Business Administration: Free Small Business Data

This site is created and managed by the US Small Business Administration (SBA) and provides a list of free sources of information that you can use to obtain data about markets in the US.

A good way to research trends in the US labour market. Provides detailed labour information by state.

HighBeam Business: Industry Reports
These industry reports provide statistics, trends, market analysis, and industry news on a wide range of industries. HighBeam Business is operated by The Gale Group, a well-known and respected publisher of reference directories and databases for libraries and academia, and it is part of the larger information and publishing firm Cengage Learning.

MarketWatch - Industry Analyzer | The Industries section contains current data on Dow Jones Industry Sectors. Aggregate data as well as company-specific data is available.

ReportLinker is a professional search engine which gives you access to an exclusive database of 1.2 million market reports and counting. Use this search engine to find official Industry reports, Company profiles and Market Statistics. Please note: information listed on this website may be very expensive but it may be possible to get access to specific reports elsewhere.

Firsthand | A free source of industry information. Use the Industry Profiles to research growing industries and best industries by major, and Company Rankings and Profiles to find news, company information, and industry-specific sample professions. Basic monthly membership is free and offers access to blogs, discussion forums, and job listings.