The SBA is Making Some Changes!

Last Updated: November 17, 2016

In an effort to improve our website’s layout, we’re looking for people who may be interested in giving us feedback related to our website! You can help by completing a short, online survey OR joining us in a remote-testing session -- that's right, you don't even have to leave your computer screen! Your time and opinion is invaluable to us, so here’s your chance to speak your piece and help push the SBA forward! Interested? Continue reading to learn more:

Our Survey

What will I be doing?

You will be asked to complete a short, online survey about your experience and perceptions of the website.

How long is the survey?

The survey should take no longer than 15 minutes.

When and where?

The survey is available online and will be open from:

NOV. 9th - NOV. 23rd



Remote Testing Sessions

Who are you looking for?

We are looking for volunteers who have used the SBA website

What will I be doing during a session?

Each session will involve using images of our enhanced website to complete specific tasks. We'll then ask you to discuss what thoughts and feelings you have as you move through key sections of the site.

How long is the testing?

The session should take no longer than 30 minutes in total.

Where are the sessions?

This testing is completely remote! That said, you will work with our IT Project Manager, Laurence Hunter,  using your own computer, and our interviewers will use screen sharing software to observe you completing specific tasks.

When are the sessions?

Remote sessions will occur on:

Wednesday, NOV. 16th: 12:30PM - 2:30PM

Thursday, NOV. 17th: 12:00PM - 4:00PM

Thursday, NOV 24: 12:00PM - 4:30PM

I'm interested! How can I schedule?

Wonderful! E-mail Aleha McCauley now with your preferred date and times, as well as phone number we can reach you at.

We thank you for supporting the SBA Program and helping us in our endeavor to better serve B.C. entrepreneurs!


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