Why should kids have all the fun? Summer reading can be for adults, too!
We’ve all heard it before – reading helps entrepreneurs keep up with trends, develop skills, and be inspired by innovation. But how do you decide what book to pick up next, and how do you motivate yourself to keep reading?
Reading challenges are interactive ways to commit to a reading habit and they can help you find books that you otherwise wouldn't think to check out.
Here at the SBA, we put together a reading challenge of our own. As you read along with us, you can track your reading on a bingo card which is available as an editable PDF. These prompts encourage you to diversify the subjects of your reading and reflect on your progress.
To help inspire you, we are sharing a business book every weekday throughout the summer on our Twitter using #sbalibrary. They are diverse picks covering a range of topics that can help you hone your leadership and management skills, get caught up on how to harness tech trends for your business, and more.
Whether you read alone or as a team, you can share your journey with us through Twitter using the hashtag #sbalibrary and send us photos of your bingo card as you follow along. We’ll be featuring #sbalibrary Summer Reading Challenge participants throughout the summer and in a readers roundup blog post in August.
Interested in an in-person reading community? Don’t be afraid to join a book club or start your own! Entrepreneur magazine has instructions for building a business book club, and existing business book clubs can be found on Meetup.com.
Coleman, J. (2016, Feb. 23). Why businesspeople should join book clubs. Harvard Business Review. https://hbr.org/2016/02/why-businesspeople-should-join-book-clubs
Coleman, J. (2012, Aug. 15). For those who want to lead, read. Harvard Business Review. https://hbr.org/2012/08/for-those-who-want-to-lead-rea
Nicolas, S. (2017, Jan. 4). 20 reading challenges for 2017. BookRiot. http://bookriot.com/2017/01/04/20-reading-challenges-for-2017/