Find Books

Updated: April 26, 2022

Find Books

This section will introduce several "how-to" books on business to help you get started with your research. These books will primarily introduce you to business plan writing. These books will also introduce general business types such as retail and service business models.


Find Books Using Relevant Subject Headings

  • Exercise.
  • Fitness trainers.
  • Health.
  • Personal trainers.
  • Physical education.
  • Physical fitness trainers.
  • Athletic trainers.
  • Business planning.
  • New business enterprises -- Management.
  • Small business -- Management.


Google Books 
Google Books is a search feature offered by Google. It enables users to search the full text of approximately 10 million books that Google has scanned and stored in its digital database. It also offers previews of books that are currently still in print.

A global catalogue of library collections from various libraries around the world. You can search for books on business planning, new enterprises, start-ups, or your specific industry. You can search for all the locations with copies of a specific item, and then locate the item in a nearby library. In Worldcat, you can also view research articles and other digital content directly online.


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A search portal to BC's post-secondary and public library collections (93 libraries).