Demographic Data
The resources listed in this section will help you identify population characteristics, and help you develop your customer profile. This research will also help you identify geographic areas where the largest number of your potential customers live. This can be very useful when determining a location for your business, and also when formulating your marketing strategy. Don't forget that trade associations and trade journals collect information about customers and can be great information sources for this area of your research.
Statistics Canada Data | Formerly known as CANSIM, Statistics Canada's key socioeconomic database is updated daily. It is free to search the data tables.
- Number of marriages and nuptiality indicators
- Number of persons who married in a given year and marriage rate per 1,000 unmarried persons, by age group and legal marital status
The Daily - Statistics Canada
The premier source for Canadian statistical information, including census information. Search 'The Daily' releases by subject to identify corresponding census tables, latest news, and publications. Similarly, you can browse by data source, including surveys & questionnaires relevant to your market research, which also link to census tables, latest news and publications.
- State of the union: Canada leads the G7 with nearly one-quarter of couples living common law, driven by Quebec
- "I don't": Historic decline in new marriages during the first year of the pandemic
Canadian Household Spending - Statistics Canada
Statistics Canada is the national statistical office. The agency ensures Canadians have the key information on Canada's economy, society and environment that they require to function effectively as citizens and decision makers.
This table provides statistical information about household expenditures by Canadians broken down into a variety of categories. You can refine the table by region. You can view the full list of data tables here.
Census Profile - Statistics Canada
Provides Canadian community profiles from the latest Census of Canada. These profiles are very useful for comparing statistics on different municipalities or regional districts. Includes details on family characteristics, primary language, mobility, educational attainment, marital status, labour force activity, earnings, and mode of transportation to work.
Find latest data from the 2016 Census
Socio-Economic Profiles - BC Stats
The socio-economic profiles consist of charts and tables for the various regional districts, health areas, college regions and school districts. Each region contains a map, demographic profile, economic hardship, labour market structure, education concerns, crime, health problems, children at risk, and youth at risk. The profiles are presented in a format that allows comparison to other regions in the province and to BC overall.