Library Databases

Updated: February 1, 2016

The Expensive World Of Business Information

Believe it or not, you cannot find everything on Google! Have you ever done an online search and found the perfect industry report only to find that it costs over $5,000? Did you know that libraries pay for many expensive databases that could be helpful in your secondary market research? 

Search engines like Google can only provide direct access to freely available information. Most of the web, including business information, lives in databases behind expensive paywalls. This paywall-protected section of the Internet is known as the deep web. Fortunately, some libraries pay to subscribe to databases so they can provide free access to their patrons — and many business databases can contain useful information such as articles, market research, and company reports.

There are several strategies you can use to access relevant business information on the deep web. First, we urge you to look up what business resources your local public or academic library can provide access to. Each database has its own arrangement, with unique interfaces and search features. It helps to know the structure and search terms of the specific database you are working with in order to retrieve effective results. 

Also, it is important to know that library databases are restricted by specific usage agreements. It can help to consult with a librarian if you have trouble navigating a specific database. They may also be able to help you find comparable information elsewhere. Libraries with robust business collections might have useful e-books, directories and trade journals. As you conduct your secondary market research you will likely need to consult both free and deep web resources.

For more information about how and why to use business databases, check out our video tutorial, Module Four: Conducting Your Industry Research.

Library Resources

Access to the following sources may be available through your local public or academic library. For information on how to obtain a library card, and for additional information on using libraries in BC, please visit our Getting Access to Library Resources page.

Here Are Some Library Databases For Industry Research:


Try searching for concierge or personal concierge or errand service and terms like trends or research or statistics to narrow your search.

ABI/INFORM Collection

How to access: If you are a UBC student, staff, faculty or in-person library visitor you can access this resource.

Created by ProQuest this database contains full-text articles from over 1,000 business magazines and journals that track business conditions, trends, management techniques, corporate strategies, and industry-specific topics.

Start here: Brenoff, A. (2011, March). The personal touch: Providing concierge services can fill a growing need and strengthen the bond between clients and advisors. Financial Planning, 41(3), 95. (Document ID: 2279587451).

Start here: Sherman, R. (2010). "Time is our commodity": Gender and the struggle for occupational legitimacy among personal concierges. Work and Occupations, 37(1), 81. (Document ID: 1939989471).

Start here: Smith, G., & van Beeck, T. (2009, July). Personal services: A fast-growing sector with unique risks. The RMA Journal, 91(10), 60-64,13. (Document ID: 1822782841).

Start here: Sullivan, P. (2004, March 27). Know what you want and get it: If you don't know how, personal concierge services are at hand, finds Paul Sullivan. Financial Times, p. 10. (Document ID: 590744991).

Business Source Ultimate

How to access: If you are a UBC student, staff, faculty or in-person library visitor you can access this resource. Otherwise, contact your local library to see if they provide access.

Includes financial data, books, videos, company profiles, SWOT analyses, industry profiles, country reports, market research reports and case studies. Also includes information on industry trends, forecasts, outlooks, competitors, how to run a specific business and much more.

Start here: Oliveri, K. (2010). Concierge firm targets wealth firms, family offices. Private Asset Management, 82.

Start here: Parker, P. M. (2005). 2006-2011 World Outlook for Personal Care Services. World Outlook Report 2006-2011: Personal Care Services.

Canadian Business and Current Affairs (CBCA)

How to access: If you are a UBC student, staff, faculty or in-person library visitor you can access this resource. Otherwise, contact your local library to see if they provide access.

Canadian Business and Current Affairs (CBCA)

Provides access to general and specialized business information, current events, and reference materials, including popular and academic journals. Excellent for tracking trends for your specific product or industry.

Start here: Eservus Online Concierge comes to Boston. (2011, March). Marketwire. (Document ID: 2287044891).

Start here:--enter citation or abstract details here.


Need to find your local library? Check out our directory.

Canadian Newsstream

How to access: If you are a UBC student, staff, faculty or in-person library visitor you can access this resource. Otherwise, contact your local library to see if they provide access.

Canadian Newsstream

Provides full-text access to many Canadian national and regional newspapers. Content is updated daily, following a two-day embargo period. Some content dates back to 1985. You can easily set up an article alert service and receive email updates on your search results. All you need to do is complete your search and click on the Save search/alert link near the top of your results. Provide your email address and then set the notification frequency and you're good to go! Try searching your industry, track information on your competitors or any other topic of your choice.

Start here: Kissinger, M. (2006, April 7). Personal concierge not just flight of fancy. Vancouver Courier, p. 35.  (Document ID: 1019725671).

First Research Industry Profiles

How to access: If you are a UBC student, staff, or faculty you can access many of these reports through ABI/INFORM and/or Business Market Research Collection (Proquest).

Covers over 900 industry segments. Updated on a quarterly basis, these industry profiles contain critical analysis, statistics and forecasts to help you engage key prospects, coach key clients, and deepen customer relationships. You can search for reports by NAICS, SIC or keyword or browse by category.