Blog Archive (2011)

  • What's your go-to source for business info? Poll results

    Dec 12, 2011

    Over the last 2 months we ran a poll asking where our users consider their go-to source for business info to be - not surprising, over 80% selected either the internet or their local library. Quickly breaking down the results and explaining the value in each option for business info:

  • Canadian Business Owners Mostly Optimistic, But Some Are Struggling

    Nov 11, 2011

    A new report on Canadian Business Owners from Angus Reid Published Today   Check out the Full Report, Detailed Tables and Methodology (PDF). Below is reposted from Angus Reid Public Opinion blog. A third of respondents have worked longer, cut expenses, and experienced increased stress due to the global financial situation.

  • DIY Legal Research to Start a Business

    Nov 11, 2011

    Hiring a lawyer can be expensive, time-consuming, and may not always be the best solution to simple legal problems. In today's do it yourself (DIY) world of online information, it pays to do a bit of digging before hiring a lawyer.

  • Family-Owned Business Resources

    Oct 10, 2011

    Building relationships in business requires trust - and who can be trusted upon more than family? Family businesses are everywhere - about half of all privately owned businesses in Canada are in fact family owned. If you're thinking about working with relations to start a business, here are some top resources to guide you.

  • SBA Speaker Series (UBC - Okanagan)

    Oct 10, 2011

    Looking for a way to kick of Small Business Week? Interested in hearing from successful entrepreneurs and business professionals? Have a burning small business startup question that needs an answer? If you've answered YES to any of these questions we have a great event for you!

  • SBA Speaker Series (Robson Square)

    Oct 10, 2011

    Like networking events? Interested in hearing from successful entrepreneurs and business professionals? Have a burning small business startup question that needs an answer? If you've answered YES to any of these questions we have a great event for you!

  • SBA Events for Small Business Month 2011

    Sep 9, 2011

    Has it been a year already? In just a few days Small Business Month (also known as October) will be upon us once again. This year, SBA will be out hosting and participating in a number of major events. Here's a rundown of where (and how) you can connect with our program.

  • Out Now: BIV's 2011 Book of Lists

    Sep 9, 2011

    If you're already an avid reader of Business in Vancouver (BIV) Magazine you've probably seen previous editions of their annual Book of Lists. The 2011 edition is out now, and worth checking out if you're looking to get the scoop on the biggest players across industries in BC.

  • Who is visiting the SBA (and why)?

    Sep 9, 2011

    Over the past two months we've run a poll asking who our visitors are - asking them to pick a 'user category' that best describes their interest in the site. The results show that (as expected) the Small Business Accelerator (SBA) is visited by many different users with many unique information needs.

  • Twitter for Small Business - Cheat Sheet

    Aug 8, 2011

      Interested in growing your business through social media, but not sure where to start? For business owners new to Twitter, micro messaging, and social media networking, we've put together this introductory guide to help get you started.  

  • Be There! Small Business Events in BC

    Jul 7, 2011

      If you run (or aspire to own) your own business, you've probably by now discovered the value of face-to-face networking and in-depth information made available through small business seminars, conferences, meet-ups and other events. If not, here's a quick briefing. To help you identify, plan for and attend small business events happening in and around BC (and Canada) here are a few key pointers and event directories you might want to take note of:

  • Getting to Yes (Books for Small Business)

    Jun 6, 2011

    With the re-release in paperback of the classic negotiating tactics guide Getting to Yes, we present a quick refresher on why this book is a must-read for business owners (big or small) for dealing with employees, partners, customers or vendors.

  • Start-up Idea Generation

    Jun 6, 2011

    For would-be entrepreneurs who have the desire to start a business of their own, but still haven't found the perfect business concept, here are a few ways - and websites - to help with the brainstorming process.

  • Global Business Resources from Consulting Firms

    May 5, 2011

    If your business interacts with non-Canadian markets, an up-to-date and accurate information source about host countries is a valuable resource. UHY 'Doing Business Guides' are a quick and easy way to learn about business in countries around the world.

  • Hot Industries for Starting a Business in 2011

    May 5, 2011

    Every year Inc. Magazine releases its list of the top industries for startup businesses. The list for 2011 has come out, and you might be surprised to learn what's big for 2011.

  • Business without borders: Import/Export

    Apr 4, 2011

    Buying and selling on international markets allows small business to grow beyond regional or domestic limitations. The SBA Import/Export guide can help get your research and planning started if you're thinking about doing business in foreign markets. 

  • Fair Financing for Female Entrepreneurs?

    Mar 3, 2011

    Building on an Oct 2010 report by the SME Financing Data Initiative, Globe & Mail reporter Marjo Johne examines the issues of gender discrimination towards female entrepreneurs seeking business financing. From the article:

  • The Value of a Business Logo

    Mar 3, 2011

    Google, IBM, Apple, Microsoft & Coca-Cola - these are the 5 most valuable global brands for 2010. What do all of these brands have in common? Iconic imaging and powerful visual branding. If you're trying to build a brand for your small business - or just a consistent marketing image, it's worth investing in a logo.

  • Fastest Growing Small Business Sectors in BC

    Mar 3, 2011

    In recent years of economic uncertainty, certain sectors/industries have been hit harder than others. Understanding the changing landscape of BC small business can help you decide where the best opportunities are - as well as business sectors to avoid.

  • Records Management for Small Business

    Feb 2, 2011

      Paperwork, files, receipts, contracts, correspondence - without a proper records management strategy business owners are likely to find themselves losing the battle against documentation. One of the most important tasks that entrepreneurs face, is how to manage the records of their business.

  • Joining a Business Association

    Jan 1, 2011

    There is strength in numbers - no question, and joining a business / industry association is a great way to tap into the skills, knowledge and economic advantages that larger groups may hold. With very few exceptions, most industries (major & minor) have national/provincial/regional associations. Most associations work toward common goals such as: